is a comprehensive resource for information on free and low income dental clinics in the United States. Our website provides a guide to finding a free or low income dental clinic, how to qualify for free dental care, tips for finding free or low income dental care, and a list of local free and low income dental care resources from government to non-profit organizations.

We are committed to helping people who are struggling to afford dental care find the care they need. We know that good oral health is essential for overall health and well-being, and we want to make it easier for people to find the dental care they need at a price they can afford.

Our website is maintained by a team of experts on dental care and access to care. We regularly review and update our content to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

We also offer a variety of resources to help people find free and low income dental care. For example, we offer a blog with articles on a variety of topics related to dental care access, such as how to find a sliding scale dental clinic, what to expect at a free or low income dental clinic, and how to talk to your dentist about your financial situation. We also offer a directory of free and low income dental clinics and other resources that can help people find affordable dental care.

We believe that everyone deserves access to quality dental care, regardless of their income. is here to help people find the free and low income dental care resources they need to get and maintain healthy smiles.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to finding free and low income dental clinics in the United States. We are committed to helping people who are struggling to afford dental care find the care they need.

Contact Us

You can contact us using the form below.

Thank You! Team

Published 04/20/2010

Tips for getting free Dental work:

  • Be prepared to provide documentation of your income and residency. Many free dental clinics require patients to provide documentation of their income and residency in order to qualify for services.
  • Call ahead to schedule an appointment. Most free dental clinics require patients to schedule an appointment in advance.

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