318 Turnersburg Highway
Statesville, NC - 28625
(704) 878-5440
This is a SLIDING SCALE clinic. The costs for clinic services are based on either your income or they offer type of financial assistance. Contact the clinic directly to discuss prices for individual services which vary. Sliding Scale does not necessarily mean free.
Last-Modified: 2024-02-09 02:27:54
Provides basic dental services to children and a limited number of adults living in Iredell County:
Nitrous Sedation Available
Oral Health Education
Limited Periodontal Services
Dental Fluoride Varnish
Toddler Screenings
Dental Examinations
Accepts Medicaid, North Carolina Health Choice, some private dental insurances and private pay based on a sliding fee scale.
The mission of the Dental Clinic is to provide quality dental care to the residents of Iredell County.
We have listed the dental costs below which we have compiled for Iredell County Health Department Dental Clinic. We cannot guarantee the dental costs to be completely accurate. Costs are displayed for informational purposes for our users. We have compiled prices provided by users to this website. In order to obtain actual costs please contact the dental offices directly.
Date Added | Type of Clinic | Description | Cost |
2024-06-24 | Completely Free Clinic | $20 | |
2021-06-17 | Charged Sliding Scale | $500 | |
2021-04-13 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2020-06-12 | Charged Sliding Scale | $80 | |
2018-10-18 | Charged Sliding Scale | $300 | |
2017-11-02 | Completely Free Clinic | $200 |
I have a handicapped 18 year old grandson who is on social security disability medicaid. He has a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. He has an emergency front tooth situation. Is there any help for him available. The dentist he goes to wants 2300.00 dollars to fix his front tooth. He has to come up with 650.00 of this amount for them to treat him and bill him the rest. Can he get any assistance from the county. he lives in Mooresville, NC. Thank you for listening.
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