4920 South 30th Street
Omaha, NE - 68107
(403) 932-7204
Fax Number: (402) 502-8927
This is a SLIDING SCALE clinic. The costs for clinic services are based on either your income or they offer type of financial assistance. Contact the clinic directly to discuss prices for individual services which vary. Sliding Scale does not necessarily mean free.
Last-Modified: 2024-04-17 05:57:53
OneWorlds dental professionals provide a full range of comprehensive dental care for children and adults, including examinations, cleanings; fluoride varnish, sealants, X-rays; fillings; extractions; emergency treatment for pain, swelling and broken teeth; limited root canal therapy; prenatal dental care; and pediatric dental care and multiple locations.
OneWorld offers dentistry services on a sliding fee scale for patients living at or below 200% of poverty or $48,600 for a family of four.
OneWorld Community Health Centers, Inc., in partnership with the community, provides culturally respectful, quality health care with special attention to the underserved.
We have listed the dental costs below which we have compiled for OneWorld. We cannot guarantee the dental costs to be completely accurate. Costs are displayed for informational purposes for our users. We have compiled prices provided by users to this website. In order to obtain actual costs please contact the dental offices directly.
Date Added | Type of Clinic | Description | Cost |
2024-06-13 | Charged Sliding Scale | $200 | |
2024-02-17 | Charged Sliding Scale | $125 | |
2023-05-29 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2023-05-23 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2023-02-19 | Charged Sliding Scale | $50 | |
2023-01-08 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2022-09-23 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2022-06-05 | $80 | ||
2022-05-02 | Not Free Or Sliding Scale | $1000 | |
2022-03-07 | Charged Sliding Scale | $200 | |
2022-03-07 | Charged Sliding Scale | $200 | |
2020-07-05 | $100 | ||
2020-07-05 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2020-01-07 | Not Free Or Sliding Scale | $541 | |
2019-11-03 | Completely Free Clinic | $100 | |
2019-05-30 | $0 | ||
2019-01-31 | Charged Sliding Scale | $100 | |
2018-10-09 | $100 | ||
2018-09-17 | Completely Free Clinic | $100 | |
2018-08-26 | Charged Sliding Scale | $50 | |
2018-04-17 | Completely Free Clinic | $0 | |
2018-04-04 | Charged Sliding Scale | $200 | |
2017-11-22 | Charged Sliding Scale | $100 |
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I liked the care by the staff but the dental assistant, was absolutely rude when last there, she kept telling me to go to Creighton that would help me with my needs when there was no need for the attitude while showing me the prices of how much every extraction was which I already knew and obviously doesn't pay attention since extracted the wrong tooth. You need to hire people with better attitudes otherwise liked how the students did a good job extracting my other teeth.
I lost my job in oct. i did go to a dentist and make a plan but covid hit and i need 3 teeth taken out on my left bottom jaw. I have all upper teeth out and only 4 on the right bottom.
i was refèrred by my worker and 211 and waited 2 m9s for my appointment for an oral cancer screening. upon arrival i was told that since i didnt have pay stubs (im unemployed /disabled) that i wasnt qualified for the slidjng scale and would hàve to pay 240 to see the dentist.i didnt have it so they cancelled my appt . at the insistance of another patient who overheard a nurse gave me a form to fill out and told me that a dentist said they would look at one tooth only for 40 if i was willing to wait to be squeezed i since i no longer had appt.,i told her i had 20 to my name and she said ok so i waited and waited and finally get to a room, the male hygentìst was very kind and did xrays and asked health questions...then the dentist came in, i was trying to explain i was concerned with sores in my mouth and that a seemingly healthy tooth fell out ànd i have jaw ànd èar pain. i smoke and have hpv so concerned with cancer and she reminded me that she was only to look at one tooth and the tooth id picked was the one that fell out so she was ďone with the exam and she walked out.. the àssistant walked me out and apologized and told me i had pretty teeth because im sure it was obvious i was upset. whèn i got to my car i just sat and cried,i waited 2mos for this appt, she wouldnt even look in my mouth,id given them my gas money and was humiliated and was gonna just let it go then...lol ...i just got a bill in the mail from them ....its insane the way this place operates...a joke and emotionally abusive
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