605 S. Coolidge St
Moses Lake, WA - 98837
(509) 766-8977
This is a SLIDING SCALE clinic. The costs for clinic services are based on either your income or they offer type of financial assistance. Contact the clinic directly to discuss prices for individual services which vary. Sliding Scale does not necessarily mean free.
Last-Modified: 2024-05-02 02:46:48
Moses Lake Community Health Center provides complete dental services for children and adults.
Services include:
Oral exams X-rays Cleaning Fluoride treatment Sealants Fillings Extractions Root canals Crowns and bridges Implant restorations Professional whiteningPayment options:
Private Insurance Private PaySliding Fee ScaleWA Apple Health (Medicaid) Fees:
Accepts WA Apple Health (Medicaid), private insurance, private pay, and offers a sliding fee scale.
Monday-Friday 8:30 am-8:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am-5:00 pm
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Was an emergency walk in, told over the phone to come in an I will be seen. Got there a little before 4 sat for over 2hrs waiting to be seen had severe pain, due to infection in tooth where I lost a filing. Watched all these people go in before me, was told I was the first in line to be seen yet they were trying to get thru thier list of appointments before I could be seen. I'm a dental emergency!!! There wasn't anyone else there on emergency!- For starters! Secondly this is racial profiling by this clinic! Everyone they called back after I checked in was Hispanic! Even ones who didn't have any dental emergency! Thirdly I have no income or insurance yet, 8 barely move here need help an because I have no insurance I'm put on the back burner! Financial profiling! All this an they Keep me waiting. I garuntee it is illegal to discriminate no matter race or financial status in a time of emergency. If I was shot an bleeding they people would take everyone back till they got to me, to complete this list instead of doing emergency cases, when I was the only emergency waiting! Never again. I'm getting me an attorney an filing suite i6n these grounds. I will not return here ever
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