48 Oak St.
Crawfordville, FL - 32327
(850) 926-0403
Last-Modified: 2024-02-09 01:42:46
The Wakulla County Health Department Dental Program's goal is to provide basic dental services to the county's residence.
Services are available by appointment for Medicaid eligible and uninsured children from age 1 - 20, as well as, Children enrolled in the Headstart Program and/or Children's Medical Services.
Their services include:
Prevention (exams, cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, Restorative (fillings), Minor oral surgery (simple extractions)
For more information or to schedule an appointment with the dental facility, call (850) 926-0403.
Details about the Medicaid system and online enrollment are available on the Medicaid Website.
Basic dental care with emphasis on prevention is available for children age 1 mo. to 20 yrs.
Services for children include:
ExamsCleanings Fluoride treatments Sealants FillingsSimple extractions
Services are offered by appointment for:
Medicaid eligible children with Liberty/Staywell, Prestige/Argus or Sunshine.
Children enrolled in the Headstart Program and/or Children's Medical Services (CMS/PedICare)
Children covered by Kid Care / Healthy Kids administered by Argus.
Clinic Appointments are available 7:30 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 3:30 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
On Wednesdays mobile dental equipment is used to provide limited exam, hygiene and sealant services in the local schools.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (850) 926-0403.
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